1. What is www.jivansathikendra.com ?
Jivansathikendra is matrimonial site specially design for Patel Community.
Patels are spread all over the world and becomes one of the leading communities
in the world.
Jivansathikendra gives perfect platform to search perfect life partner or soul
mate from PATEL community.
2. Is this only for Patel community?
Yes, Jivansathikendra is design only for Patels. Patels may include Saurastrakadva patel, Saurastra Leuva Patel, Mahesani kadva patel, Mahesani leuva
patel, Kutchhi kadva patel, kutchi leuva patel, charotari kadva patel,
charotari leuva patel.
3. Is it Free to search profile & Post
Yes, Jivansathikendra.com is the only platform where anyone from PATEL
community could register free of cost with full profile detail, once the member
is done with complete profile submission they can get access to all available
Other portals do not offer such service at free of cost. So, it is
perfect platform to explore & search best matching profile of your
4. How it is different than other matrimonial
We are completely different than other matrimonial sites.
Firstly, this site is design only for PATEL community, which help us to provide
best support & service to our members.
Secondly, It’s free of cost. We do not charge for any type of registration or
posting full Bio-data. It is 100% free free free, no hidden charge.
On the other hand other matrimonial sites charges hefty amount just for
registration & posting the Bio-Data.
We provide some other extra facility to our members to make easy communicate
with matching profile, which includes express your interest, massaging facility
to other profiles, add to my favorite list for later use and many more.
5. What is the security of the posted information
& photos?
We have stringent rules & regulation for our member’s personal information.
We do not disclose or sale any member’s information to anyone. Only fully
registered member will be able to see the information, the
fully registered member will be verified for their authentication.
We approve any profile once we manually verifying mobile no., email ID
& all other registration detail of that user. Only verified and
serious users are our members.
6. Why i need to verify my mobile number &
Email ID.?
This verification is mandatory for all the members at the time of registration
for the security reasons, and also to make communication easy & trouble
7. What should i do, if i could not upload my
information or photos due to some reason?
For any query or problem any user could call our customer support on +91
84-600-400-88 (Monday to Saturday from 9AM to 7PM), or they can directly leave
us massage on our mail ID info@jivansathikendra.com / jivansathikendra@gmail.com
or any user could leave us massage by directly entering contact us button
available on Home page of our website.
Any problem or query will be short out in 24 to 48 hours.
8. Can i creat my account & upload my
information in Jivansathikendra.com without visiting website?
Yes, We are providing unique facility of creating users profile. If due to
some reasons, interested users could not upload their profile or visit our
website, than without even visiting www.jivansathikendra.com
they can create their profile.
Interested users could mail us their detailed Bio-Data with good photos on
info@jivansathikendra.com or jivansathikendra@gmail.com, we will create their
profile on jivansathikendra.com and we will revert back with user’s ID
& Password on mail for later use.
It is perfectly safe & time saving..!!
9. How do i terminate my Jivansathikendra Account.?
You can contact our customer care executive to terminate your account.
For any other questions & query please contact our customer care.